Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Benefits of Massage

An increasing number of research studies show massage reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases endorphins (enhancing medical treatment). Although therapeutic massage does not increase muscle strength, it can stimulate weak, inactive muscles and, thus, partially compensate for the lack of exercise and inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also can hasten and lead to a more complete recovery from exercise or injury.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Client Testimonials

Aromatherapy Massage
It really, really relaxed me, I feel unstressed, balanced, it felt complete!
Mrs M.O.

My stomach feels much calmer, and my headache's gone, I found the essential oils really refreshing Ms J.P.

I feel soothed and uplifted. I especially liked the face massage eith the Rose Oil, it was really calming. Miss L.W.

The massage treatments have definitely been helping reduce pain and improve mobility in my ankle with arthritis Miss R.P.

I feel amazing! Ms P.

It feels as if all the bad energy has been lifted off me! Mrs J, massage client


I've benefitted massively from the treatments, mainly psychologically in terms of stress relief. Mr C M.

I felt very relaxed and pampered after my treatment, and my feet felt lighter Mr N.H.

I felt much more relaxed after the treatment today. before the treatment my feet felt congested and hot but the feel looser and better now. Miss C.

I found the treatment very relaxing and my feet feel soothed Ms P.


I arrived feeling stressed with a lot on my mind, but it feels like nothing matters now! Mrs LS

I felt very relaxed and dozed off during the treatment. I felt really lifted all the next day . Mrs G

Monday, December 17, 2007

Treatment menu

Full Body Holistic massage
The Popular Full Body Massage is based around a Swedish massage routine which is great to deal with deep muscle pain and tension, or you may opt for a more soothing treatment. Acupressure, lymphatic drainage and Ayurvedic techniques may be used according to your needs. Include all or any of: feet,legs, back, shoulders, arms ,hands, stomach, neck, face and scalp.After the consultaion I will tailor a treatment to suit you.

An hour and a half treatment is highly recommended if you have any particular problem areas.

One hour £45
One and a half hours £60

Essential oils will be selected together according to your needs and aroma preferences. The usual method of using essential oils in salon treatments is though massage whereby the healing properties are absorbed through the skin and circulated around the body. The oils are also affect the system through the sense of smell which influences the limbic system in the brain and affects our moods and emotions. After your treatment, general homecare advice will be given and suggestions may be made regarding home use of essential oils.

The Works. Full Body Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy massage using essential oils to ease away tension and stress. Legs, feet, arms, hands, back, neck, shoulders, stomach, face and head will be left soothed and relaxed.
Please allow one hour and a quarter

The Tranquillity Treatment
Aromatherapy shoulder, neck, face and head massage
Incorporating acupressure, lymphatic drainage and Ayurvedic techniques.
Please allow one hour

A pampering foot massage will be followed by a reflexology treatment working over the whole feet and concentrating on any problem areas. Your feet will be left feeling light and relaxed, and tensions eased.
Please allow one hour £40

This is an extremely safe treatment for everyone as the healing energy will go where it is needed in the body, and will work alongside any medication you may be taking. Reiki is a very balancing treatment so you may feel more relaxed or energised after, according to your needs.
Please allow one hour £35

Seated Indian head massage
A clothed, seated treatment without oil, using a combination of techniques, which wonderfully ease away shoulder and neck tension. Perfect for people who spend hours at a desk or on a computer and those who suffer from headaches. Includes upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face.
Please allow 45 minutes


A rejuvenating form of oil massage, used throughout centuries in India. This massage is conducted using soothing warm oil. Great for stress and pain relief, and eliminating toxins. Ayurveda encompasses the principles of chakras and energy centres in the body. As such these treatments are designed to release blockages in the flow of energy within and around us.
Select from:

Full body Ayurvedic Massage
Please allow an hour and a quarter

Experience all of the techniques used to take ten years off you!
Includes feet, ankles, legs, back, spinal area, stomach, chest, shoulders , arms, hands, neck, face and scalp massage
Please allow 2h

Full back massage
Please allow 45 mins

The reviving foot and leg treatment
45 mins £35

Dosha analysis coming soon!

Please allow an extra 15 minutes for your first treatment.
A full consultation will be carried out free of charge.
Bookings for blocks of 4 treatments receive a 10% discount.
A course of 4 or more treatments is recommended for best results.
Personalised essential oils for homecare use can be blended for a small fee.
Completely natural, chemical and additive free soap, creams, lotions and potions are also available, please request more info!
Gift vouchers are available
We kindly request 24 hours notice in the case of cancellations.