Friday, February 15, 2008

Client Testimonials

Aromatherapy Massage
It really, really relaxed me, I feel unstressed, balanced, it felt complete!
Mrs M.O.

My stomach feels much calmer, and my headache's gone, I found the essential oils really refreshing Ms J.P.

I feel soothed and uplifted. I especially liked the face massage eith the Rose Oil, it was really calming. Miss L.W.

The massage treatments have definitely been helping reduce pain and improve mobility in my ankle with arthritis Miss R.P.

I feel amazing! Ms P.

It feels as if all the bad energy has been lifted off me! Mrs J, massage client


I've benefitted massively from the treatments, mainly psychologically in terms of stress relief. Mr C M.

I felt very relaxed and pampered after my treatment, and my feet felt lighter Mr N.H.

I felt much more relaxed after the treatment today. before the treatment my feet felt congested and hot but the feel looser and better now. Miss C.

I found the treatment very relaxing and my feet feel soothed Ms P.


I arrived feeling stressed with a lot on my mind, but it feels like nothing matters now! Mrs LS

I felt very relaxed and dozed off during the treatment. I felt really lifted all the next day . Mrs G

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